Year 2013 Customer Future Ocean Cluster Services Interaction & Software


a gesturally operable exhibition object used for the transfer of complex scientific content.

It consists of a 55 ̋ touchscreen – approximately the size of DIN A0 – which by means of gestural input can be navigated and provide individual access to content. The poster was created in the framework of a research project of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts & Design Kiel in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” in 2013.

The beautiful looking statistics part was developed at the wirmachenbunt studio in Hamburg. Furthermore we provided the content management system and years of experience in developing interactive applications. This project is a prime example of a perfect symbiosis of public research and the private sector to deliver a world class result.

Konrad Rappaport

Programming, Interaction Design
Chris Engler, Hermann Hartung, Jonas Häutle

By the way, the NGSP was awarded with the Red Dot Junior Award and the German Design Award in Gold.